Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Small Talk with Closet Vanity's Samantha Fodrowski

Samantha is not only a high school friend of mine but an awesome blogger. I'm hooked on her blog, Closet Vanity and I have admit, she's quite an inspiration for my own blog! Closet Vanity is full of great fashion and awesome DIY projects (many of which are on my own list). Find out how she fits in time to blog and her favorite products.

What's your day job and how to you balance blogging with your daily or weekly routine? 

During the day I do public relations for a university in Boston and I'm also working on my master's thesis. Nights and weekends are my time for writing and blog research but sometimes it can get tough balancing the blog with daily life. To keep organized I've set up a few "rules" for myself to make sure I cover my bases. I find that it really helps to keep an editorial calendar of sorts to plan what I want to write about and when. I try my best to have all of my posts written a week in advance, though I often make last minute edits.

With the seasons so quickly changing, what wardrobe piece have you been dying to pull out for Winter?

I am not a big fan of winter. However, I love keeping warm in big, comfy sweaters. Vince always has the best offering and when I can't afford those, Bloomingdale's in-house Aqua line has great cashmere pieces, too.

What's your current must have product?

If I could have an unlimited supply of any product it would probably Fresh's Sugar lip treatment. It's definitely pricey for a chap stick, but I love how it feels (and smells and tastes!) I justify the little luxury because it makes me happy every time I use it.

I see you had the honor of attending Fashion Week. What was the highlight of your time there?

This was my first fashion week so just having the honor of being invited to shows was really exciting for me.

How did you fall into blogging?

I thought that I should start a blog to feed my interest in fashion, beauty and other random things that I like or want to know more about. When I learned of Lucky magazine's inaugural FABB conference in February, I decided to attend to give me the push I needed to start my own blog.

I know you're an old fashioned girl, like myself, when it comes to blogging tools (ie notebook/pen, handwritten calendar, etc). What item couldn't you blog without?

My notebook has everything in it -- ideas, schedule, interview questions, etc. If I lost it, I'd be royally screwed. My goal is to get a little more tech-organized and keep up to date with my iCal. My other necessary blogging tool is my camera. I always have it on me!

Thanks again, Sam!

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