Monday, July 29, 2013

My bathroom turned MTA Transit Museum

Since I moved in with my boyfriend several months ago, we've made some changes to make it more "ours." Even before I moved in (like every other girl, I hope), I made mental sketches in my head of what I would do as far as decorating when the time came for me to move in. The bathroom was always a struggle because it's small and outdated. And since there's talk it may get redone sometime soon, I tried to think of temporary fixes until that time comes.

I tend to gravitate towards themes when it comes to decorating the bathroom and this is no exception. My boyfriend fell in love with the subway map shower curtain and I can't lie, I kind of love it, too. So, we've had that up for a while without a serious plan of what to do next. Then it hit me - why not go balls to the wall with a NYC subway themed bathroom? It's obnoxious but it's my way of being a tourist without ever having gotten the chance to be one. I'm proud to live in New York City and I want everyone who relieves themselves in my home to know it. 

I tried to pick one color in the map and play off of that. Since "our" train is the yellow line AND our bathroom tiles are a beige-ish yellow, I thought it would be the perfect starting point. After seeing this post on Young House Love, I knew I had to at least attempt to make this sign. I played around with text and colors and came up with this:

Last weekend, I finally got some wood and paint and put this thing together. I had a glass shelf lying around so I thought it would balance it out and I could free up some space on the sink. These candles take up some prime real estate in my house. As if that wasn't enough, I found this subway car in a museum gift shop one day AND I HAD TO HAVE IT. At first, I couldn't find the N train but once I did, I felt obligated to buy it because fate had intervened.

Since I had gone this far, I figured why stop nowLately, MTA has adorned the new subway cars with really cool pieces of art. I've always admired this one simply because there is so much detail. Every time I sit on the train and see this print, I always find something new that I haven't noticed before. And I hope to make this true in my bathroom, as well.

I think I'll stop at this unless I find something small that I can't resist. I wouldn't want my already small bathroom to become just as congested as an actual subway car.

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