It's no secret that I love tattoos. It's a beautiful way to not only express yourself but have constant reminders of things or people that truly matter. For me, it's more of the latter. But these works of art are not to be taken lightly. I mean, they're permanent. I'm not going to point the finger and judge but in my own opinion, tattoos should mean something, ideally. I believe that this is a good way to avoid getting sick of them. Think about it - if you get something because it's "pretty," inevitably, you will tire of it. That would be like wearing the same shirt for the rests of your life. Personally, tattoos aren't just decoration. It doesn't hurt if it's beautiful (no pun intended) but it should be everlasting and I'm referring to its meaning not its shelf life. I don't know how many tattoos I have but I can tell you only one was "because it was pretty." And I'm a little embarrassed at that. Luckily for me, it's in a place that I can't really see; ergo I can't tire from it. Anyway, I'm not going to sit here and explain why I got every dot of ink on my body but do yourself a favor: sleep on the idea, make sure you NEED to have it permanently sewn onto your body, and pick something that will be as important to you 70 years from now as it is today.
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