

If you are interested in collaborating with GrooGrux Queen or in a sponsored post, please feel free to contact me describing what you have in mind. I am very open to sponsoring and/or advertising your brand as long as I believe that it is something that my readers will enjoy and is directly related to the mission of GrooGrux Queen. GrooGrux Queen also will conduct product reviews, on an approval basis, with like-minded products and/or companies in the fashion and beauty industries, on the conditions that I am provided with a product/clothing/item for my own personal use. These posts will be in my own words as an honest review, as I promise to only write about things I truly believe in to my readers.


I will never share any of the information that I collect from you on GrooGrux Queen. I do not get paid for reviews on this site, unless specified. I am in no way affiliated or endorsed by any brands or companies I write about. As bloggers, we may receive products to review but I will always disclose when I have received a gift. Unless otherwise noted, I have paid for mentioned items with my own money. Thank you!
